We've all had our fair share of partying. As we get older, especially we notice how much longer the recovery rate gets. Social life, though its changed a bit, is still needed as a part of any adult life. weather it's for a workout, weekend recoup, or in need of a fast track to feeling whole again after a long night of going out. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, stomach, brain and liver. These are all piece of the body that need to be hydrated in order to not have the common side effects: head ache, dry mouth, stomach ache/ nausea, drowsiness. The antioxidants abundantly found in Nopal Jelly is known to help rejuvenate and cleanse these clogged areas and accelerate the body's recuperating system including: Kidneys, Liver, Pores, digestive system....
When you take our 20mg Nopal Powder & CBD supplements before a night out the chances are likely that your 'day after' experience is to improve along with overall health of body and skin!
A study that was approved by the institutional review boards at Tulane University and University of California found that an extract of the Prickly Pear (Opuntia Ficus Indica) plant has a moderate effect on reducing hangover symptoms.
What's The Science Behind The Research
Conclusions of the study (from JAMA Internal Medicine) state that symptoms of a hangover are largely due to alcohol activating inflammation in the body. And apparently the Prickly Pear works by inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators, therefore reducing the hangover. Alcohol impurities (congeners) is what can produce the heightened inflammatory state, also the metabolic byproducts of alcohol metabolism can contribute as well. There were 55 Tulane graduate students that the scientists studied ranging between the ages of 21 to 35. None of them had any medical history of hypertension, liver disease or cardiac disease, nor smoked. They all had some prior hangover experience though.
Hangover Symptoms That Were Helped
The placebo-controlled, crossover trial found hangover symptoms such as nausea, dry mouth, and anorexia, to be moderately reduced. Overall, Prickly Pear (Opuntia Ficus Indica) reduced the severity of a hangover by half. To further prove the conclusions, 10 of the worst hangovers occurred in the subjects that were given the placebo. Prickly Pear juice is how some prefer to take the fruit, and the plant itself is particularly popular in Latin America because it's high is fiber, antioxidants and carotenoids. If you've tried Prickly Pear before, please let us know your thoughts and results of taking it. (info from @zacahealth)
In addition the combination of Nopal Jelly Powder and CBD powder combined create a powerful team of healing also not just internally but externally. This magical combo sends antioxidants to your skin, helping relieve in fine lines, and tightening sagging skin, brain stress ( also relieving skin tenseness), while hydrating your skin that could use a drink after you've had a few Gin and Tonic's!
Once you're on your way to recuperation from your night out we recommend your favorite skin regime, pjs and Netflix show. Once you've put your moisturizer on and taken our Nopal & CBD Vitamin Supplements proceed to spray our Luxe Face & Body Mist that contains more Nopal, Aloe, Lavender, and Hyaluronic Acid ( don't spray if you're outside). Our Founder Susannah Calhoun ( @suscalhoun ) has had her fair share of fun in the sun and knows the need to begin skin and body care as soon as possible. These products were developed with the intention of convenience and connection to your adventurous spirit.